Announcing: Heartland Next

Since 2015, Heartland Digital has been a premiere digital marketing and content production company serving the Midwest. With flagship services like Heartland Creative Studios and Heartland Marketing. Heartland Digital has grown to become a leader in new media.

Today, Heartland Digital partners Daniel Thomas and Sarah Brune are announcing that Heartland Marketing, a division of Heartland Digital, has been rebranded to Heartland Next. “This change in branding will reflect a new, refined, direction for our company and the services we provide our clients across the world”, said managing partner Sarah Brune. 

Heartland Next will still offer traditional marketing services as Heartland Marketing, but will also encompass a “more comprehensive approach to how we use digital and conventional marketing and communications strategies to help organizations, businesses, and leaders connect to their customers, constituents, and fans”, according to founder Daniel Thomas.

For more information about Heartland Next, visit

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